What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear content marketing? You would probably say blogging incorporated with social media marketing. Blogging can be considered as one of the best content marketing strategies today. But did you know, there are more various types of content marketing strategies that can work wonders on SEO.

In previous years, the website content marketing strategies included heavy keyword stuffing, and quality did not matter. Google algorithms are constantly changing and writing high-quality blogs might not be just enough. You can upload any type of content you want, but high quality and relevant content will be highly considered. Including the following types of content marketing strategies will make your website rank higher and will have a better chance of getting noticed.

Authoritative Blog Posts

As said earlier, blogging and writing authoritative content is the best type of content marketing strategy. But let’s get a little bit deeper into this section.

To write a perfect SEO friendly content that will rank higher and convert the audience into buyers there are 4 main steps:

  1. Research: Researching your topic and audience. Websites like Quora will help you to identify common questions asked by people. Keyword research and integrating relevant keywords in your blog posts will help you rank higher on the search page.
  2. Review: Reviewing your content and editing the mistakes before publishing is vital.
  3. Optimize and Publish: Optimizing, monitoring, and planning your on-page marketing strategies is important. This will add value to your website and will keep readers visiting your website again and again.

Analyzing: Writing quality content and publishing it is not enough. You need to analyze and evaluate the results. Identify strengths and weaknesses and improve as much as possible.
It is equally important to follow the content marketing trends to stay on top of the game.


Infographics are a type of image or visual representation of information, knowledge, and data. Adding infographics on your websites with effective content will make your website more interesting. It makes it easier to share information with your audience. Since the number of people using smartphones to find information has increased, infographics with tables, graphs, and short texts will have a higher chance to attract people quicker. Google trends have also confirmed that infographics are one of the growing trends and important pieces of information.

Creative and interesting infographics with visual interactive content can help increase more subscribers, comments, and shares on other platforms.



Videos have an even higher importance in SEO than infographics. If used and created correctly can be a very powerful type of content marketing. Creating videos can cost more but if optimized perfectly with complimenting your SEO strategy, you would be able to generate high ROI. For that, it is important to set goals and plan your strategy accordingly. Your videos should speak stories and should captivating, creative, conceptualized, and informative.

The popularity of creating videos has increased. People would rather watch and listen rather than reading. Videos being a form of interactive content, it keeps the audiences hooked and engaged. Also, they are easier to share on other platforms.

How-To Guides

People who have started a business, as well as people who have a successful established business, are always searching for a step by step guidance on how to do stuff. Therefore, how-to guide contents are getting more popular. These how-to guides can be created through images, blogs, infographics, or videos. To get this information, you need to check your audience interaction through comments, email replies, etc. and try to find out the most common questions asked by them. You can then plan your how-to guide content.

Case Studies

Case studies are detailed information that covers a specific market example or scenario. Case studies provide leadership thought and are very unique, educational, and knowledgeable. They explain new ideas and share problem-solving information. A good case study includes descriptive and in-depth success stories of other brands.


Including CTAs ( Call To Actions )

CTAs encourages audiences to take the required actions. One of the common CTA is “click here” button those re-direct viewers to other section of the website with more information. CTAs are considered a very effective part of content SEO. They are convenient, avoid confusion, and helps audiences in taking the next steps. Moreover, CTAs make your website look organized. The CTAs on your website should not be scattered and should be well structured.


Blogging and writing articles will always remain the most popular content marketing strategy but this should not be the only tactic you should include. No matter how small or big is your business, incorporating these other types of content marketing strategies will take your website and brand to the highest peak. A well-planned content marketing strategy will always be beneficial for the long term as well as short term goals. Moreover, planned strategies will increase the chances of generating a higher ROI.
