The world is digitally evolving every minute and staying on top of the content game is an ever-growing quest.. Content is the driving force of online marketing as it can majorly impact on buying decisions of the customers. Content marketing in itself is a trend that every digital marketing company is following to grow their business. However, refining your business goals according to the trend will help your brand come under the spotlight.
Whether you have an established business or just a startup founder, knowing these upcoming content marketing trends will help you cut through the noise and achieve your goals this year.

Personalized Content is the Key

Some of the 2019 trends of quality content writing will be continued but it will need to be more purposeful and personalized. The content put up should meet the reader’s informational needs first rather than the promotional message. Quality content has been proven to be one of the top trends because of the consistent prolific outcomes. There should be a consistency in brand’s style and tone. Personalized content can only be created if you have the right set of data. The in-depth data of the tailored audience can be obtained through different available tools online such as Google Analytics. Other additional parameters like email marketing and setting relevant campaigns can also be useful for getting a lead.

Influencer Marketing is Gradually Progressing

Social media and content marketing go hand in hand whether it is for promotions to develop brand awareness, campaigns to generate leads or interactive content such as videos and post to increase customer engagement. However, a new trend has made its way in social media platforms which is popularly known as influencer marketing. Influencer marketing gives a sort of social proof for customers. According to the inc, 84% of the viewers trust an individual recommendation better.

To start with influencer marketing, first it is important to understand the category of the influencer that will co-relate to your brand. Then comes approaching these influencers by creating strategic campaigns. Once you start promoting your brand through influencer marketing, it becomes vital to continue to maintain the relationship as this will increase trust and portrait consistency.

A New Era of Voice Search and Smart Devices will Evolve

Nowadays, more people are embracing the use of digital assistance. Above 20% of all online searches have been accounted for by voice search. However, this will cause a major shift in creating content because the way we speak is not necessarily aligned to the way we write. Content related to the voice searches should be more natural which includes full sentences, long-tail keywords in headlines and titles and questions and answers. This optimization of natural speaking language in your content will help rank higher on search engines.

Interactive Content Drives a Two-Way Conversations

Images, videos and GIPHY narrates a visual story of a brand that can leave a long-lasting impression and increase engagement. Through interactive content, viewers can actively participate rather than passively consuming the static content. Alternatively, interactive content can also be created through polls, surveys, tests, quizzes, 360° tours, etc. Visual contents are getting more popular in 2020 as it will add an entertainment factor to the educational and informational context. This will help inspire customers to take actions better as they have not only received the information, they were looking for but also, have become more educated.

Moderations are Equally Vital

User-friendly content plays a key role in developing a brand reputation and recognition. You should avoid harmful and offensive content and moderation is the way to do it. Having a content moderating team can be useful as there is always a risk of offensive user-generated content that includes comments on blogs, channels, posts, videos which can not be considered acceptable by some brands.

Content moderation helps achieve insight about consumer patterns and behavior. It also helps viewers to make data-driven decisions about the campaigns and new products. This increases viewer engagement and generates more traffic on your website.


2020 will be full of competitors for content marketing. Major digital marketing agencies are now prioritizing customer needs over promotional messages. Quality content with a touch of personalization will help build consumer trust. Moreover, voice assessment friendly content and interactive content will be seen as the top trends in 2020 for content marketing.
